Monday, May 28, 2012

Letter #53 5/28/12 Pizza!

Shrimp meatballs... yummy!!

Sweet hat!!!

Hey everyone, i hope you all had a fantastic week! The heat has been really strong here, how is it up there in Utah? We had a pretty decent week. We had a super relaxing Pday today in Gramuchil. We were just hanging out in the house of some other missionaries eating pizza and talking about our missionary experieces. I'm really enjoying spending time with my District and Zone, even though there's only one other gringo in the whole zone! Elder Romero and i have been getting along great. He reminds me a lot of my friends from home. We worked extremely hard this week, and unfortunately weren't able to find many people. Right now we don't have too many prospects for baptism for the near future but we're searching diligently and i know that the Lord will help us arrive to the houses of the escogidos.
I was reading an article by Elder Bednar that i really liked. He was talking about the enabling power of the atonement and that if we relly on the atonement when we have afflictions and trials that we'll be able to endure them and remain joyful. He said that we're still going to have the trials, we can't always avoid it, but that with patience we'll be able to make it through. He gave a lot of awesome examples of the book of mormon of when people rellied on the atonement and asked in their prayers for help and they we're strengthed to the point that they were able to make it through without pain. My favorite is when Nefi's brothers tied him up and we're making fun of him and in Nefi 7: 17, he asked the lord that he could have the strength to brake the cords and free himself. We can't expect that we're never going to have dificult things happen to us, but i know that if we relly on the atonement  that we can have the strengh to make it through even in the hardest of times. I'm not saying i've been having a lot of trials lately, i just really liked his article. I've actually been really happy. A and J are both doing awesome! The past 3 sundays they've been coming all the way to Angostura in ride every sunday so that they can go to all 3 hours of church, and afterwards going to the extension meeting by there house. It's awesome seeing their exitement and desire to serve the lord with everything. It feels great to have converts that are strong in the church. One of the hardest things of the mission is seeing new members fall away from the church. I know that Armando and Joel are going to be strong members and add a lot to the branch here in Angostura. 

I sent a picture of shrimp meatballs, they were amazing and i thought it was an awesome twist to the normal meatballs we eat. I love the creativity of mexicans I should recieve my package next monday, we're going to have a zone meeting. Thanks a ton! I hope you all have a wonderful week and remember to read in the scriptures and pray everyday. I love you all, Elder Mecham

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