Monday, January 2, 2012

Letter #32 1/2/12 Happy ano nuevo!!

Hey fam. Wow, i cant believe it's already 2012! And it's crazy to think that the majority of my 2011 i was in the mission. I'm incredibly excited to serve this entire year as a missionary!  There's nowhere else i'd rather be. Thanks for the pictures you sent! It looks like you guys had a blast at the cabin! I won't lie, i was missing the cabin a little bit. I have always loved going there and spending time with the whole family. But the pictures you guys sent are almost as good.. I almost forgot to tell you thanks for the wonderful backpack you sent me. It's perfect, thanks a ton.
This week has been pretty good. We haven't had too many lessons these past 2 weeks because everyone has been gone on vacations, but the good news is that we had a baptism! Her name is A and she's awesome. She's 23 years old and her husband is a less active member who really wants to get back in the church and she just really wants to have an eternal family. She lives in a neighborhood that is litterally in the middle of nowhere. It's a good 20 minutes of walking through the desert to get there and with this being the week of her baptism we went about every day, often returning in the nighttime. I have definately been glad that i brought my headlamp from home because without it we'd be lost. We have a few other people with baptism dates in these coming weeks so pray for us that everything will go as planned. 

I've really enjoyed all the food here, especially during this holliday season. But our meals have been a little repetative because everyone wants to give us the best they have, which right now is a dish call pozole, and a warm cider like drink called ponche. It's delicous. Another thing people enjoy doing here during the hollidays is have parties with piƱatas. They normally break them open in the streets and rarely can they find all the candy. We're pretty much always walking the streets and are always alert for the leftovers that the kids couldn't find. We have definately taken our share from all the parties that we were'nt invited to and are never hungry while walking from house to house. 

Yesterday we went to San Lucas again to sing our missionary choir. It was great to see a few of the members from my old ward again. I love them and it was amazing seeing how happy they were when we saw eachother. There's great people here too, but it's not quite the same. But i do love my district. We are only 4 missionaries and we're all extremely close. We have changes in a couple weeks and chances are we're not all going to stay together.. Well thanks for everything you guys do for me, 

Love Elder Mecham

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